Don’t print his name.....or he wins.
No offense intended here. I can understand your’s and other’s sentiments on mentioning the name of the perpetrator, but to me that thinking is really the same kind of politically correct control behavior about which we complain here very frequently. It usually regards “correct speech or actions” associated with not stigmatizing some victim or other or just to place blame.
Mentioning his name or not won’t change a thing. The gun grabbers will still go on and the facts unpleasant to the liberal side will always be suppressed=. The victims will still be dead, and this man’s soul will still be roasting in hell.
Not saying his name is kind of childish. Describing him as another useless POS when mentioning his name would have a bigger impact.
The issue isn’t his name it’s the 24/7 news about what happened for a week that’s the problem.