That so-called "liberal/progressive" movement intentionally diminished the role of parents and schools in teaching students about their Creator-endowed rights and responsibilities, their individual role as citizens in their communities, and the character training which once was the goal and aim of education in America
Do older readers of this thread remember when such character training was a part of the school day? Do any now retired teachers remember when the National Education Association provided booklets and other materials based on Biblical teachings and America's founding documents in order to teach children their rights and responsibilities as good citizens?
Perhaps an examination of this web site may refresh the minds of such teachers. Or, perhaps a reading of this factual account of NEA publications may enlighten others who are younger to understand the degree to which the "progressive" control of education in America may have contributed to our current dilemma.
"Ideas have consequences." - Weaver
You are absolutely correct and have identified the crux. That’s why home schooling has become more and more popular. There is also a movement to restore classical principles to education, affirming the benefits and beauty of Western Civilation.
They don't even seem to try to hard to teach the "stuff" like math and language anymore.