To elaborate on the 1964 Civil Rights Bill being a disaster, and to give another example from South Africa and Zimbabwe.
I have nothing against blacks, I wish them no harm, but I’d like them to stick to themselves. They simply don’t know how to act outside their group, they display traits that just aren’t acceptable to white communities.
If you look, the crime rate was very much lower during Segregation.
In South Africa, since the ANC started running that country, it’s a mess. The crime rate in South Africa is the highest in the world, they also have the highest AIDS rate in the world and the whites are terrorised each day and have been reduced to second-class citizens.
Rhodesia was known as The Garden of Africa. Now Zimbabwe with black rule is more than a mess, it’s a disaster of epic proportions, again with the white population terrorised and reduced to second-class citizens.
What Africa shows, is that it was better even for the blacks during Colonial Rule, blacks have illustrated that they have an inability to run ANY country.
The only way order can be restored anywhere, is if Segregation is enforced:
White community, black community, Hispanic community and ALL Muslims in their own community and never the twain shall meet.
Every above group, if a crime is committed, the MSM treat it as a racist ugly incident....the ONLY time the MSM ignore racist ugly incidents is if a white person is terrorised by a black/Hispanic/Muslim.
It’s obvious that white people mean nothing, that we’ve been put to the bottom of the ladder and if we dare speak up we’re racist.
We are at the bottom of the ladder. And those African countries are disasters with whites getting slaughtered and losing their land.
And you’re right about the media reporting on who gets killed. Blacks kill whites so often that it’s not big news.
But the other way around, forget it!!
and obama sent 29 million dollars to the families of those killed by that crazy white kid in church.
But he gave nothing to those soldiers that were shot several months ago by the drive by shooter. I hate him.