” I wont be as nasty as they are, but wow! people who went to bush league schools shouldnt throw stones. “
IIRC, Reagan went to a bush league school. Most children who are not born to wealth go to bush league schools.
And I don’t see any sign that the Kennedys or GWB possessed outstanding minds. J F’n Kerry went to Yale. Doesn’t seem to have helped his mind. Hillary went to Yale Law School. Obama went to Harvard Law School. How much good sense does Barack Obama have?
I agree with your comments.
I’ve also seen folks post what some of the exam questions were of our high school students from the early 1900s, and honestly they were probably getting a better education than our college graduates get now, at the least in some ways.
It would be interesting to read some of the books our kids are being taught from today.
Nixon, biggest crook ever.
Bill Clinton, probably one of the smartest and most effective presidents ever. (never mind the criminal acts and violent rape allegations)