In Texas.
No wonder the people there are going apeshit for Trump.
Texas has become more and more controlled by statists coming in from other states to grab up all the high-tech jobs, so as to almost become unrecognizable. Especially in the People’s Republic of Austin, former bastion of true Texans and the cpitol of the Lone Star State, but which is now completely Californicated. Real Texans have had a bellyful of all the political correctness that has gone into full bloom since Obama.
We knew this would happen. Just wait, it will get worse. Not only other states. I’ve seen so many foreigners than I ever have and that’s NOW. We will soon be inundated with all kinds. That’s the strategy of obama’s and other world powers that want to get rid of Israel and destroy America’s way of life. Inundate them all and take over from within.