And we are different? On college campuses today, all you have to say is that you feel "uncomfortable" hearing anything remotely Christian/traditional/sensible, and your adversary will meet a very similar fate. This is where we are headed as a country - real soon.
It is why a year ago, Mark Levine stated we were “post-Constitutional”.
(Yes, even before the last major SCOTUS unconstitutional, treasonousl decision to create a “Right” from God to sodomize others and pretend males are interchangeable with females (LOL/so scientific!!!! and such TRUTH!!!!!) and force people to celebrate Satanism and mutilation and dehumanization where ALL MSM tells our children that Jenner is a “woman” (pure irrational Marxism/satanism)
Yes, the US is just a little behind Canada sliding down the slippery slope.