The Judge said one of the reasons he would ‘not’ fine her rather than arrest her is because her supporters would fund it, ( he said just that) thus doing so would not change her position in his thinking.
So this Judge is operating from a position of ‘control’...not law.
Yes, and that is against the law to try to keep someone from obtaining bail. The judge had no legal reason to jail her in the first place.
If you are at your job, elected or not, and don't do your job, it is NOT a criminal offense. The judge had her arrested for “contempt of court”. He has no authority to tell her to go to work and do what he says or be arrested for contempt of court. He can't tell you what to do at your work, either. He has no jurisdiction over your work or her work.
You bet I will send money to help pay lawyers for this woman who is in jail due to being a Christian.
Trump doesn't understand the Constitution not does he understand law enough to know she was illegally arrested. He said the law had to be carried out so he thinks she is wrong and is rightly in jail.
I don't want a President who thinks it is okay for you to be arrested if you don't do your job. I personally think he is so narcissistic he thinks he is a king and can eliminate any resistance to what he wants and would be totally okay for jailing someone who didn't agree with him.
Recall reading how he said in earlier judgement of Kim Davis -that the whole system will fail unless we “respect” the supreme Court decisions.
I sent a letter to him saying I respect such when I can reconcile their opinion to the written Constitution Judges in every State are constitutionally bound by (Article VI)
The Constitution is to our system of Govt. what the bible ought be to all Christians. Sadly a goodly number of both camps tend to think they know better than what is written.