Half the nations children speak Spanish since they were “forced” to take it in grammar school.
those children all forgot it by the middle of summer
And .. the Hispanic children are not encouraged to learn English.
In CA we had a whole generation who could not conduct a simple conversation in English. They became unable to find a job; unable to hold a job; went on welfare.
This was the result of the LEFT’s “bi-lingual education” CRAP. When that got stopped .. we had more Hispanics who could speak English very well. Sadly, the LEFT thinks we’re hurting people by forcing them to learn English.
The left are idiots.
I took Spanish because I wanted to in sixth grade.
I took four years of Latin in high school because I wanted to.
I don’t remember more than a few words of each.
Being able to fluently speak Spanish is no sort of test at all for an American president.