If Pope Francis has the nerve he should hold her up as an example of Christian courage against a sinful law when he visits the US later this month.
This pope is more interested in perpetrating the climate change hoax and sending hordes of illegal immigrants for us to feed, clothe, house and give freebies to.
I also expect that at some point he will decree that Catholics accept homosexuality and “gay marriage.” For this pope the commie agenda takes precedence over the laws of God.
It appears that he did. I have a lot of problems with what the Pope has said on a number of issues, but if this report turns out to be true, he did the right thing: http://insidethevatican.com/news/letter-38-2015-kim-and-francis
Here's a New York Times article on this: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/09/30/us/county-clerk-kim-davis-who-denied-gay-couples-visited-pope.html
68 posted on 9/3/2015, 12:16:34 PM by tanknetter: If theres one positive about this, its that Matt Bevins probably just won the governorship. And KY Democrats have lost their state house majority.
Barack Obama's "War on Coal" is wrecking the Democratic Party in West Virginia, as well as other neighboring states where rural Appalachian conservative Democrats are a major factor. Pushing a gay agenda drove Kim Davis out of the Democratic Party, and a lot of others will likely follow.
If Barack Obama's goal were to destroy the Democratic Party in the rural South, he couldn't be doing a better job of it.
Being perceived as anti-God, anti-gun, and pro-gay is not a recipe for attracting and keeping Southern Democrats.
If this stuff continues, we may end up seeing the United Mine Workers inviting Republican candidates to Labor Day parades all over Appalachia, and Democrats switching party affiliations in droves. Maybe something good will come out of this after all.