A moral society cannot be provided by the government. A moral society starts in the families and in the churches.
The government reflects the people not the other way around. Our religious leaders and our adults set the foundation of society. Currently it is set by Hollywood movies, television, and hip hop music.
I know what you are trying to say, but I think you’re off track a bit.
Sure we need to teach moralistic values to our kids, and return to some form of sanity with regard to that.
To say it cannot be provided by the government is in a sense correct broadly, however having a moral leader can have tremendous impact on the movement back to a better society.
Look at the force for bad Obama is, “If, I had a son...”, “I can understand why there is rioting...” If he can be and is a force for spreading evil, a president can certainly be a force for spreading morals and the golden rule.
Don’t totally discount the contribution to a better society that government can be.
Getting the jerkweeds at the FBI, the IRS, the TSA, the EPA, and a bunch of other alphabet soup agencies back under control, would contribute to a much more sane society.
Eliminating many of them would be an even better contribution to a better society.
So yes, government can play a role in certain ways, and withdraw in others, but those are things the government could actually do to improve our society.