Thank you; I had read the second portion, but not the first [after the 8th video release]. The only problem is Trump is for choice in the cases of incest and rape, so he can’t come out swinging on this full force. He’s not “really” pro-life. And that’s a problem, for pro-lifers anyway. Abortion is not something you can “sorta” be against, most of the time.
Let's do the left's approach and never stop nibbling.
For crying out loud, lizzy, Trump is a Presbyterian, not a Catholic. Many Protestants take that position, and Trump has been honest that he is not particularly devout. It was in a Wednesday interview with Mark Halprin.
Trump is very secular. He was a member of the church of Norman Vincent Peale, a stalwart in the Protestant faith. He said no one wanted to leave his sermons. He was raised going to Sunday School, but as a man he goes now but it’s at Easter.
Surely you don’t believe God is confined to only the pious man in order to work his will on a nation or anything else, do you?
The US is headed for Hell if abortion is not stopped, but there is no guarantee that if a chaplain were president that he alone could get it stopped. Trump may actually do it. He is no ordinary man and his appearance tonight at the Boston affair was half Democrats and half Republicans. Democrats have likely heard of his revulsion for what is happening at Planned Parenthood and that it has to be defunded. They came anyway.
If that were Cruz or Huckabeeeee, they wouldn’t be caught dead attending a Republican speech. Trump is resonating with middle America of all stripes, creeds, color and religions. Who does that in this age? No one.