People who use derogatory names like "racist" should be sued at a minimum and in many cases they should lose their job or even wind up in jail.
Pagans had a system of morality based on concentric rings. The strong male had the highest moral status and weight. The woman of the tribe less, their children even lower. Slaves had lower value and no moral weight but were higher than the uncouth foreigners. This is reflected in so many tribes having the word for “people” as their ethnicity only, everyone else being something less.
Christianity said everyone had souls of equal value before God, children had intrinsic value even before they had economic value, even your “tools without a voice” slaves had souls and status before God.
Liberals are not seeking to have an equal society for everyone, regardless of skin color. Instead, they think society had a system where white men on top, white women below that, black and brown even lower. (While they ignore that it was Democratic party members who enforced Jim Crow laws).
Their idea of justice and fairness is to invert the pyramid. White men must now be at the bottom, white women slightly higher, the highest rungs for blacks and hispanics. Asians form a conundrum, since they have high academic and professional achievement, so their status depends on how recently they immigrated and whether the fight is against whites or blacks. In general, they rate higher than whites but lower than darker skinned people in the new moral system.
So we have a moral structure based on race and gender that inverts the historical one the liberals think we had, reflecting pagan values.
The ironies are:
* whites are allowing this to happen, despite having a demographic majority; it is akin to the dhimmis (non-Muslims) in Shariah law becoming cheerleaders for the system, praising their second class status. Except right now, we’re still in the process of being guilt tripped into it.
* the effort to ignores the fact that it does virtually nothing to help poor blacks (who lack connections to benefit) and devastates poor whites (who are as numerous as all blacks) - they think inverting the racial / moral structure fixes problems actually caused by multi-generational poverty, but it only helps the minorities who already reached middle and upper class
* few seem to appreciate that the people being punished are the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who participated in Jim Crow laws and several generations removed from slavery - in short, penalizing generations latter the supposed guilty