Most I know woulnd’t vote for another negro..... if Jesus himself came back as one..
Sad but true.. Ben Carson is a stand up guy...
Way to early for another brotha in the White House..
Maybe after things are “FIXED” IF they ever are fixed..
then a good conservative no matter the race would be good..
Jindal has the same problem.. good man but nope.. not this time..
Even, If Sowell or Alan West ran I would demur..
UNless they were the ONLY Candidates.... them maybe..
The politically wise ones KNOW it isn’t time for them..
The fact Obama is a complete and total disaster has everything to do with his anti-American, 3rd-world ideology and nothing to do with his race.
Honestly, If someone—anyone—casts a vote based on skin color alone they have no business voting. That goes for both sides.
I am not sure he is ready to be President but he is a good, decent man who would bring a moral foundation and some brains to the office.
We could do a lot worse.
“Most I know woulndt vote for another negro..... if Jesus himself came back as one..”
That makes as much sense as saying you wouldn’t vote for another white guy because of Clinton. Or Teddy Kennedy. Or on and on...
Keep your moronic and blasphemous claptrap to yourself.
Remember, it was just as evil to have voted against Obama because he was black as it was to vote for him because he was black.
If it comes down to Ben Carson and Bernie Sanders for President then you’ll be voting for Bernie? I hope that you would reconsider making skin deep judgements, and instead choose the conservative over the socialist.
“Most I know wouldnt vote for another negro..... if Jesus himself came back as one..”
I would never vote for another “LIBERAL SOCIALISTIC AMERICAN HATING” black or white man or woman, but then I didn’t vote for any of them in the first place.
I would vote for Ben Carson in a flash if they run Donald out of the race. Being a Senator for a few years is not much experience for running our Country. Ben Carson and Trump have more life experience than a new Senator. Governors have a little more executive experience, but no foreign experience. I am not going to vote for Huckabee, Christie, or Walker.