Thank you for the mention. Its seems to me the person meeting out judgment, should first determine if an infraction was made.
There was no infraction here, so uninviting Trump was uncalled for. Inviting the person who tried to snag him with that irrelevant question is nothing if not fraternizing with the enemy.
Why do we not reward someone acting in the manner Megan Kelly did here?
As a Conservative you don’t want to reinforce improper behavior. You don’t want it to happen more often. Let it blow up in her face. She won’t do it again.
Now Kelly is free to pull a similar stunt on Cruz.
Not only does Kelly have the blessing of FauxNews, but a wink and a nod approval of the broader Leftist media in the nation. On top of that, she has a wink and a nod approval from some folks here.
The Democrats think it’s hoot. The Republican party is happy to have it’s pound of flesh. The supporters of people the media isn’t trashing, think Trump deserves it too, because he doesn’t deserve support anyway.
It sill hasn’t dawned on the people who think Trump doesn’t deserve support, that their view is not shared by the Left. The Left is deathly afraid of him. Why? If he’s a Leftist, they should want him. They don’t.
We have a situation right now where a guy is promoting our views across the nation, and every Leftist group in the nation as well has the Republican party is trying to destroy him.
Yep, that’s right, the GOPe that we all say we are disgusted with, more than a few FReepers are acting as foot-souldiers for.
Only a fool would fail to realize, if a big vulgar lie can be used to Bring Trump down, a second can be used to take Cruz down. The very same entities who are striving to take Trump down, hate Cruz. He’s a Tea Party favorite. He’s one of those Tea Party Terrorists.
I’m a man who will defend someone I don’t support if I think they are being treated unfairly. Trump should have the troops rallying around him right now, because he’s the victim of a vicious vulgar lie.
The people we say we despise are trying to destroy him. Where is our sense of fair play?
When these entities come after Cruz, and they most certainly will, I’ll be there to defend him.
As bad as Cruz supporters think I am because I support Trump, I’ll have the decency not to side with the Left as they are now.
Cruz could do with a better caliber of supporter. Actual Conservatives would be nice.
Only Leftist would behave the way some of his supporters are.
Well she did make that “word of God” wisecrack to Cruz on the Faux Debate.
And Cruz answered it with class, and God smiled. But nobody is remembering that. They are remembering the quack-quack-quack of Donald Duck. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
I do think people are still afraid of Trump becoming a loose cannon later. Or, his ride on this rocket ship is still new and we do not know if the future booster rockets will fire as well. He brings enthusiasm and passion. Conviction of just what, is a more open question.
But his ideas deserve to be listened to. It’s like what America cares about is being visibly displayed on a neon sign. For other politicians not to care should be nails in their political coffins.