Trump is the only one
1. that is not owned by big daddy donors
2. Stands up to the media and GOPe . The others would fold like a cheap suit
3.fights and won't apologize.
4.The only one that made illegals an issue everyone is now talking about
5. The only one talking against China. the other owned by China
6. Is successful and will know how to deal with China and Mexico and not back down
7. Is successful in business so he'll make the economy prosper
8 politicians are corrupt and have destroyed the USA
9. politicians have done nothing conservative only helped Obama pass obama trade, Iran deal, highway deal etc.
10. The others are career politicians Trump isn't
many more these are just some off the top of my head
Drudge has him a 45% and the next nearest contender was at about 13%. That messes with the political class's status quo and they don't like it.
The media are mostly Dems. They want to take him out because their own party is having its internal problems. Hillary is faltering, so there are rumor of Biden or Kerry or Gore or some other to save them.
Also Donald Trump is not a member of the CFR. Which now explains all the vile slinging against him by the media and the establishment.