No matter what happens with Trump it will be a long time for Thomas Sowell to regain the respect he lost by writing that article.
Honestly, another NR article attempting to move Jeb or whoever into position. Another “anyone but Donald” article, even by Sowell, is getting more than annoying at this point. “We elites have our panties in a wad because, well
Mr. Trump is, is, is, just not good for polite company.” Deal with it!
Tell us Mr. Sowell, who is responsible for that anyway? Simple, the RNC - giving us pastel lukewarm candidates year after year. But I see no flames being thrown in the RNC’s direction. I don”t know who might be your idea of “voices of reason” but people are looking for someone with fire in their belly and that speaks plainly what everyday Americas see and feel. I only see two candidates that have that. The others will likely never get elected - and if they did we’d get more of the gradual slide into the abyss than the Obama fast track we’re on now. People are finally waking up to being duped and you want to chastise them against an emotional response? Shame, shame on you and all your intellect. How, pray tell, could Trump (and he’s not my first pick) be any worse than what we have now in the White House!?
Way, way better article over at:
in case you missed it.
The best thing Walker could do at this point is to call a press conference and publically denounce Dayspring. Walker should delineate exactly what the execrable, nauseating, vicious and viscerally disgusting GOPe did in Mississippi, via Dayspring, to ruin a good conservative and reelect a doddering RINO. Walker should stress that while he can’t fire Dayspring, he CAN keep close tabs on his activity, and if he, Walker, spots any hint of the bottom-feeding, scum-sucking calumny that Dayspring orchestrated in the Cochran campaign, he, Walker, will immediately and very publically condemn it.
(I'm serious !)
The first non-establishment GOP candidate to announce that his/her first order of business is to undo EVERYTHING Ophonybama did while President will win in 2016!
That is for EVERY office in contention, BTW President, Senate and House!
This stupid argument is what liberals are going with. They still say he has No Chance at being the nominee, and I’d like to know how they know that, if elections aren’t rigged.
I’ve heard from my son (23) that young libs think Trump is “good for Hillary.” This is absolute bunk, but the media is still reaching a lot of people with their tactics.
The Trump campaign needs to squash this BS before too long.
I just realized who wrote this.
I guess he got where he got from knowing whom to kiss when.
Sowell thinks Pub voters don’t trust Trump, but Pub voters don’t trust the other 16 either.
The entire GOPe is guilty of promising much & delivering little while colluding with the Rats to tax & spend with the purpose of enriching themselves, family, friends, & fellow cronies. Trump’s possible deceptions on the campaign trail pale in comparison to the decades of the GOP making promises they don’t keep.
That pretty much negates any trust issue with Trump.
Which of the 17 candidates is most like to close the borders to illegals, Dump the Iran deal like a smelly carcass, dump Obamacare, & actually improve the economy & foster a regulatory environment that encourages job creation?
Which candidate will layoff permanently the 87% of non-essential bureaucrats at the EPA?
Which candidate is uniquely qualified to fix the housing & mortgage markets?
Which candidate is likely to go after the rampant corruption of the Obama administration, HRC, & Congress?
Which candidate is likely to ignore the race hustlers, the perverts, & the global warmers?
Only Donald Trump.
Here is a very readable list of Trump’s positions, if you really want to know:
The reason is not hard to understand: Republican voters simply do not trust him, as the polls show. Nor is there any reason why they should trust him, given his chameleon-like changes in the past.
Dr. Sowell's entire piece should be required reading.
For GOPers, Indies, and Dems!
He’s one of the better ones, and one of only two I’ve supported financially. Thursday will say much...