Another RINO Troll—out to “get” Trump! new lies to deminish him—It will not work. It might have worked on Mittens, or Bush but it will not work on Trump. He’s Mushy—really? The nuts and bolts of his program have yet to be worked out. We are NOT going to deport millions—its just not worth it. 1. Built Wall and Man it. 2. Regester all illegals and judge them case by case. Good ones get to stay and be on the path to citizenship. Bad ones go to jail or the next bus south—and if they comeback—Jail time. 3. If you don’t turn yourself in—deportation of you and family. Must solve this problem with harsh measures. No rewards.
That's citizenship amnesty.
And Trump has described the "bad" ones as being drug dealers and rapists, which would leave how many who aren't? 10 million? 20 million? More?