A lot of words with little or no predictive value.
People want plain speak. They want someone who will Tell t Like It Is, fallout be damned.
Trump is flipping off the eGOP out in the open. He is a breath of fresh air in a world where McConnell acts like a 5 year old because Cruz ALSO Told It Like It Is.
This new way of politics is here to stay. And so is Trump.
Trump’s achilles heel would be to be baited into a rage. He has an obsession that he must absolutely destroy someone who he thinks is making him look like a fool. To find himself head to head with, say, the ACLU would be popcorn worthy, but not presidential.
It’s possible that he could serve to raise awareness upon which a more reasonable figure like Cruz could ride, if he later fades out of the picture.
Let’s put our eyes back on the Lord and pray. The Lord is master of working volatile and chaotic situations into peace. Humans alone are not... they will likely worsen such situations.