Posted on 07/28/2015 4:29:21 PM PDT by grundle
Cecil the lion, a famous black-maned resident of Zimbabwes Hwange National Park, died at the hands of an American dentist, conservationists claim.
They say Walter Palmer paid $50,000 to hunt and kill Cecil with a bow and arrow. The incident occurred around July 6, with a professional hunting outfit reportedly luring Cecil outside the boundaries of the protected reserve using a dead animal as bait.
Mr. Palmer shot Cecil with a bow and arrow but this shot didn't kill him, Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, said in a statement. They tracked him down and found him 40 hours later when they shot him with a gun. Cecil, who was known all over the world would have earned millions of dollars just from sightseeing. Walter Palmer apparently paid $50,000 for the kill."
It wasnt the first kill for Palmer, who has multiple photos posted on the website Trophy Hunt America showing the Minnesota resident posing with dead lions, rhinos, water buffalo, warthogs, and other animals.
The Telegraph is reporting from two independent sources that Palmer was indeed the hunter listed on the permit documents, and a spokesperson for Palmer told the news outlet that Palmer believes he is the one responsible for the lions death.
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Read From Article: The incident occurred around July 6, with a professional hunting outfit reportedly luring Cecil outside the boundaries of the protected reserve using a dead animal as bait.
Lured him OFF the protected reserve. The guy and those who enabled him are scumbags.
Plenty of white rhinos, probably paid quite a bot for the tag.
You realize what happens to lions when they’re too old to hunt? He did ol’ Cecil a favor. And who are you to decide what constitutes a “legitimate purpose” regarding the legal hunting of animals?
Why, to make a nice rug to show all you friends.
There are different subgroups of white rhinos, and it is one of those subgroups that only had one left.
Frog legs are good eats.
This lion was a healthy alpha male who was still breeding. Lions in protected areas can live a lot longer than lions in the wild.
No way that lion was left uneaten by the people there.
Have it mounted?
Exactly! My Outrage button is not really lighting up for this, when you consider the Plan Parenthood crimes vs humanity going unseen by many, uncommented on by most. Yet it’s this aged Lion that get’s the lit candles and the stuffed animal makeshift shrines.
Interior decoration.
Is it just so you can say I did it?
Its called wildlife management. The permit presumably existed because there was an excess of lions in the area.
I just wonder about the mans soul.
Why? Because he was providing a needed service?
Look Masses! Squirrel!
How did the animals survive and thrive when man wasn't even around?
13 years in the wild is pretty much it for a male lion.
Lions in protected areas can live a lot longer than lions in the wild.
In protected areas like the National Zoo in Washington where they are closely monitored and cared for yes they do live longer. The lion in the article was in no zoo.
As I recall from middle school biology, a population increases until its surrounding environment can no longer sustain it. At that point, disease and starvation sets in and shrinks the population.
I think it was just ego on one side, and profit on the other.
Americans are weird. We freak out when someone eats dog.
Oh, so when animal herds were thriving prior to man being around there was a natural system for wildlife management?
Exactly. I expect this kind of silly indignation from chicks and college freshmen home for Thanksgiving.
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