I agree 100% that Israel is our friend.
Pollard sold my countries secrets. I don’t care if it was to friend or foe. A traitor is a traitor and traitors should be stood against a wall and shot.
To me this isn’t about Israel as much as it is about him.
We have a lot of traitors. The same should be done to them.
A traitor, in this context, would be a person who commits treason. Apparently, you haven't read the Constitution of the United States, which says in Art. III, Sec. 3:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
How friendly were they to swap our nuclear war plans to the USSR 30 years ago?
Pollard probably didn't know that would happen. But, it was a disaster. Thank God the Cold War was winding down.