all the bottom feeders like perry and Christie are starting name recognition campaigs in order to “magically” rise by August 4th.
They need to stop poaching from trump and focus on the other weak candidates like carson, Rubio, Huckabee etc.
I have my favorites and those I don’t like as well. I do not agree that poaching from any other candidate is the way to go. All that happens is you make their supporters mad and lose whatever support they may be willing to give the winner in the general election. The thing to do is stand out by being a strong leader, being truthful, being trustworthy, forcefully articulating strong conservative principles and positions, etc. Trump is standing out because he is a natural leader. People want to follow someone who seems like he knows what he is doing. Someone they like, they believe, they trust. Smacking back at a cheap shot is fine. Belittling your opponents to try and shame people away from them is petty and turns people off.