i lived in CA from 1992-2003. i am well aware of the political makeup of the state. notice in my comments, i made no mention of party affiliation. the problem is that the other states would have their political power diluted if CA goes from 1 state to 6 (i.e. 2 senators to 12) that’s a tough sell and something i would also be 100% against.
I am not sure I follow what you mean
regarding diluting political power of
other states if California is split into
several separate states. California does
not get more representation. States are
independent. The conservative people of
my region (new state) are not going to
elect the same kind of people that the
voters of the “State of Greater Los Angeles”
(or whatever they are called) will choose.
Truthfully, in the case of the proposed state
of Jefferson do you think the mainly
conservative people who are promoting it actually
want more liberal legislators? Hell no!
Diluting the power of other states? Well, maybe the
liberal states. Unless you are a liberal Democrat
it doesn’t seem like you should be bothered. What
am I missing?