GAYSTAPO at it again.
I goy your back Lt.-here’s what I wrote in my local throw that got printed yesterday:
The story covering the LGBT marriage by the false church Bethel United Church of Christ reveals what Vladimir Lenin described as useful idiots back in the 1930s.This not of Christ church is actually a handmaiden of communism. A 1958 book written by a retired FBI agent, The Naked Communist lists the very explicit goals for tearing down the United States from within. Goal #26 states: Present Homo-sexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural,healthy. Obviously, this church is more acquainted with communism than Christ and the Bible. True churches will find themselves eliminated under communist authoritarian regimes as true Christians will be persecuted. Currently, the SCOTUS ruling will be the watershed moment for true Christian churches who may be litigated right out of existence or denied tax-free status. A Christian couple in Oregon has been fined $135,000 for refusing to bake a cake for a lesbian couple for their wedding who were offended. In Kentucky, a County clerk has refused to perform a gay marriage and is willing to go to jail for his beliefs. These are the true Christians. As Reverend Franklin Graham stated after the ruling: “America’s not going to like what’s at the end of this rainbow