Sadly Cruz has gone over to the dark side. Yesterday he came to McCains' defense with this facebook post.
I have two theories; Cruz's fund raising was threatened by the Chamber of (cheep labor) Commerce so had to kiss butt for bucks. Or, Cruz thought (incorrectly) that Trump had jumped the shark over McCain and he (as a Trump defender) did not want to be eaten in the feeding frenzy along with Trump.
Or maybe Cruz is really just another typical profession GOP politician, just a little better then most at pretending to be conservative.
Whatever this is the most epic battle conservative have fought since Reagan, and considering the stakes maybe even more so. I expected Cruz to be 100% on our side and not kiss GOPe a$$. Very disappointing.
I know lots do not like or trust Trump, that does not matter, the battle is joined whether you like Trump or not. As Rumfield said, "You go to war with the army you have". For decades we pleaded for a leader that would fight. Well now we have one and now it's your turn to show up for the fight.
Trump is the light shining on all these mini Draculas known as candidates. Boy! They hate the truth. They are all infected! Each time Trump talks the light burns Dracula to a crisp.