Posted on 07/18/2015 2:37:19 PM PDT by jimbo123
Rickles is still ticking.
Good points, GilGil.
I am just glad he doesn’t do the standard GOP response—apologize and retreat.
The Left and the media are being schooled as well.
The tactics that have successfully sent the GOP candidates running for cover are not going to work on Trump.
"Advertising" is a technology. Learn it, or spend the rest of your civic life defeated and frustrated.
We have this war on FR every election year the purists who want to believe their preferred candidate will get the nomination so badly that they denounce not only every other candidate, but also every freeper who even mildly appreciates any other candidates.
That's not how the primary season is supposed to work.
The pre-nomination season is a time to get many issues out in front of the voting public and see which ones matter greatly to the American people, and what approaches to winning will gain traction. If a candidate you don't prefer starts winning the battle for attention well before the nomination, that should be illuminating to your favored candidate to improve his or her game. It's too soon to start denouncing others who will still be on your team after the nomination.
This will give the Sunday talking heads another weekend of all-Trump bloviating
as if they spend every Memorial Day honoring heroes instead of partying in the Hamptons
By next weekend the entire news cycle will grind on and Trump will survive this a lot easier than he will survive saying he supports universal health care
he needs to learn where the line for PC crosses the line for insult.It seems everyone is insulted by something these days. Therefore "the pc/insult line" is an imaginary line that only exists in the (your?) mind.
I understand that the place goes crazy during primary season, but it doesn’t usually go crazy enough for a significant chunk of it to support a liberal — and that’s pretty much where we are right now.
Romney is, at heart, a looser. It cost his country plenty.
Unlike Dubya, who let anyone and everyone absolutely slander him and our troops and never uttered a peep in self-defense. Our slain troops' families and our disfigured veterans are probably thanking him at this very minute for having been such a gentleman. /s
that means that trump likes soldiers that were killed in combat least of all, the incompetent peons. they had it coming.
people are so blinded by their contempt for mccain to understand the implications of this lunatic’s ramblings.
McCain started it when he called us all crazies
If you want to call Trump a lunatic that is fine. Most lunatics don't run companies successfully.
What is sad is that Trump might be right, that McCain has a case of Stockholm’s syndrome and hate of America, much like Bob Dole’s injury was linked to his anti jewish statements
cruz isn't being ignored, he's being drowned out by the MASSIVE static that hair-boy is generating.He's neither. Cruz says all the right things it's just that he's boring to listen to and to watch. If it wasn't Trump it would have been someone else...Maybe even Bush.
ted cruz is boring?
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thats a flat-out retarded post. Ill leave you to your self-obsessed brilliance regarding media campaigns.
enjoy your weekend.
I disagree. I find tyger’s posts straight to the point. I find yours suspiciously encumbered with attempts to denigrate the intelligence of others. You very suspiciously use certain liberal words which I dislike. Such words as “Retarded” belong to a RINO’S vocabulary and especially coined phrases such as “Your self-obsessed brilliance “ speaks to your unlimited ego. You are dead wrong on this issue and fail to recognize it.
this is how wrong I am: I’m NOT supporting a liberal democrat for president; a pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, pro-gun control, pro-ACA liberal democrat.
no matter what, no matter where, no matter when, that is who trump is.
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