I understand that the place goes crazy during primary season, but it doesn’t usually go crazy enough for a significant chunk of it to support a liberal — and that’s pretty much where we are right now.
Face it, if our economy tanks, all talk of social conservatism, war heroism and just about any other topic will be subsumed to how to fight off the opportunists who take over either China or ISIS.
There are times in history, and this is one of those times, when a person with the skills and experience to save the economy and uphold the overarching American traditions has the most compelling appeal. If Trump should by chance win, he will focus on the economy and a kind of basic decency, letting the best fighters in society at large sort out the less pressing issues, like the 1% of the population who actually will “gay marry.”
When people have jobs and money and relative freedom from disaster, they are better able to fight for social issues, respect for war heros and all the other niceties. But the time for playing nice about the leaks in our Titanic ship of state is long over, and until so-called conservatives recognize that we are in a war like no other, being fought like no other in history being fought in the media and in the economy we will lose our country, and all your pressing concerns along with it. Given the speed of the administration’s establishment of the worldwide caliphate, you may soon be forced to wear a dress and grow a beard (if you’re a man) and wear the headscarf and stay in the house (if you’re a woman) if we cannot secure the next election.
Identify the problem correctly, that we are in a deathly war on the economy and we are losing and then identify the one with the experience, guts and skills to address that problem. Getting media attention is a very important skill in this new battleground.
Trump has that skill, and years of insulation built up around him. Let him roll his courage out and help change the conversation from PC nonsense, Alinsky lies and DoubleSpeak, and see if Cruz can rise to prominence as the ground is cleared by Trump. Cruz is doing well so far with the judiciousness of his responses. Give this some time. Trump is helping the nation.
And McCain and Romney were they not liberals?
The nation has taken a hard left turn. Trump is an old-fashioned liberal, live and let live, but maintain the free market and a credible sense of law and order.
Today's Democrats in Congress are not liberal; they are socialists/communists bent on redefining the very meaning of words and destroying the constitution they swore to uphold, as if their vows mean anything at all. The Republicans in Congress are helping them along every step of the way.
Buffoons like Huckabee and Graham have slid so far down the slippery slope they don't even understand what their indignant condemnations of Trump's plain commonsense speech is all about.
Almost every member of Congress is compromised by an onslaught of lobbyists and awash in ill-gotten bribes from the moment they arrive in DC, due to their steady erosion of accountability and relaxation of the rules of ethics that should govern their behavior: Congressional "ethics" have long been abandoned and pathways to graft and greed have been made "legal" instead. The whole mess needs a powerful outsider to call it out. That is what is now happening with Trump. If he is nominated, we could do a lot worse.