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To: jimbo123

that means that trump likes soldiers that were killed in combat least of all, the incompetent peons. they had it coming.

people are so blinded by their contempt for mccain to understand the implications of this lunatic’s ramblings.

151 posted on 07/18/2015 4:25:07 PM PDT by JohnBrowdie (
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To: JohnBrowdie
Trump runs a few enterprises that employ hundreds of people and pay millions of dollars in Federal taxes that McCain helps spend to the tune of Trillions of Dollars. IOW, Trump is useful and McCain is not.

If you want to call Trump a lunatic that is fine. Most lunatics don't run companies successfully.

153 posted on 07/18/2015 4:30:43 PM PDT by Chgogal (Obama "hung the SEALs out to dry, basically exposed them like a set of dog balls..." CMH)
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To: JohnBrowdie

Your arrogance is showing, also your juvenile habit of failing to capitalize proper names. I noticed it with Reagan and you continue with McCain and Trump. Didn’t anyone ever teach you proper grammar?

162 posted on 07/18/2015 4:47:36 PM PDT by Mollypitcher1 (I have not yet begun to fight....John Paul Jones)
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To: JohnBrowdie
that means that trump likes soldiers that were killed in combat least of all, the incompetent peons. they had it coming.

people are so blinded by their contempt for mccain to understand the implications of this lunatic’s ramblings.

************************************************************** I didn't hear him say that, but someone blinded by their own personal opinion and find McCain the mealy mouthed senator and one of the senators caught in the Keating five scandal could easily come to the same conclusion as you..............I don't think anyone on FR knows McCain's mind and but you think you do...and that you also know what others think. Most of us are not blinded by mccains rant and raves on the floor of the senate. You don't know Jack, John

You are ignorant of mccain and what he has done and said for years...he is crooked, a liar, not friend to conservatives. He thinks he is so smart anyone disagree with him he's quick to call names, and he has no room to tell others they are wrong if they disagree with him and his giant size ego,a man that is great in his own mind. But stupid to those that have watched his antics in the senate. I hope Trump doesn't cave and apologize for his remarks, He is right about mccain and to milk the pow crap about him being a hero is nuts. They have to bring it up everytime someone tries to cover for imbecile

As for Trump, you should be 1/10 as smart as he don't get that rich by being a lunatic and go around rambling. But I do love the way he talks, YOUR FIRED.

205 posted on 07/20/2015 3:55:40 AM PDT by goat granny
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To: JohnBrowdie

Your extrapolations explain your lunacy. Go back to school and learn the meaning of analysis........then try to do it correctly.

207 posted on 07/20/2015 4:19:20 AM PDT by Mollypitcher1 (I have not yet begun to fight....John Paul Jones)
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