Very provocative piece....thanks for posting!
Does this guy get paid by the word. One of the new rules is that written materials should be short and concise. If you can’t get it all in a short paragraph put bullet points headed by the main topic. My attention span is not what it used to be so I can’t get though these long meandering books anymore.
The problem with adopting the enemy’s methods is that you become the enemy. Do we really want conservative judges shredding the Constitution and the law, even if it is for worthy ends?
So the author is saying the only way to preserve conservatism is to abandon it ?
Conservatism is going down the tubes because of infiltration by libertarians and Randians. The longer these ideologies fester, the more entrenched will be the bizarre but growing notion that conservatism stands for greed, avarice and lawlessness. Conservatives have to expel these satanic ideologies out of their midst.
Yet the fact remains, the other side has thrown the rulebook out and is winning, regardless of whats happening at the local level.
There is an unfortunate truth to the phrase, “in order to defeat the enemy you become them.”
1. Issue waivers for states that want to ban abortions and ban homosexual “marriage”
2. Pass laws that are loaded with stuff dems want so they will vote for it, then just don’t enforce those parts and only enforce the conservative parts.
If there is no law, then, there is no law.
however, if conservatives continue to be lazy and apathetic, it doesn’t matter
Some people don’t understand satire.
Fear, sarcasm, and ridicule.
They use it.
We should triple it and shove it up their Obamaholes.
This is war, folks.
And it WILL get a lot rougher.
I suspect this was written more for liberals to bite their nails and for conservatives to appreciate just what we stand for. I think the author is painting a picture for liberals of what happens if we become like them. Does anyone else get that sense?
There is a reason I have my current tagline. This article is part of it.
What part of “WE DO NOT WANT A BIG CORRUPT GOVERNMENT” do you not understand?
A free society prospers when there is not a big overseeing corrupt government cherry picking laws, picking winners and losers, etc....
While this article was dripping with sarcasm directed at the left, the truth is that conservatives *do* need to make changes, *not* in what they do, but in what the liberal Republican leadership does in support of the left.
1) Mitch McConnell and John Boehner and their ilk must be turned out of power, and hopefully out of office. The Tea Party has had great success and the local and state level, and continues to erode the liberal Republicans hold on power. Granted there have been some setbacks, as “the empire struck back”; but we still outnumber them and have greater power with our votes if we can maximize it.
2) When conservatives take the place of McConnell and Boehner, they cannot ignore (yet again) the institutional abuse inflicted them in the senate and the house by the Democrats. In the senate, the Democrats must be brutalized by the *same* power grabbing, punitive rules they inflicted on Republicans. Absolutely no need to (yet again) insist on playing fair after they have horribly cheated (yet again). They must feel *pain* for their bad behavior, and be stripped of the power that McConnell has (yet again) given *back* to them.
3) Conservatives must take *all* the chairmanships in both houses, with preference *not* to seniority, but to individual resolve to make major reforms in that area of interest. In the budget, they must slash and burn the size of the federal government, close entire agencies, fire hundreds of thousands of government bureaucrats, and use the power of the purse to force agencies to end the onerous and oppressive regulatory regime on the country.
In the judiciary committees, they must undertake a comprehensive reform of all federal courts subordinate to the SCOTUS (the only federal court created in the constitution, the rest being subordinate to congress.) This means placing “off limits” to the lower courts those numerous abuses of the judiciary. Vast numbers of petty arguments best left to the states, having no constitutional issue of merit.
This reform includes the restructuring of the courts to retire hundreds of federal judges because there are no longer courts for them to occupy; but *new* courts, needing new (conservative) judges. Other reforms include strict limits on the use of judicial precedent, that it absolutely *must* be constitutional before it can be used, even if it is a hundred years old. They also need to restore both the state and federal capital punishment laws, protecting them from federal judge tinkering and abuse, and making them swift and sure. The federal death row should be emptied through execution.
4) Other committees should be prepared to return the bulk of federal lands taken from the states, to the states. With the help of the conservative POTUS for the senate to abrogate and end numerous onerous international treaties, agreements and obligations. Importantly, the US military must be restored by again making “mission accomplishment” its goal and eliminating vast amounts of leftist social engineering. If that means booting out sexual deviants, so be it. The military is not a welfare program. And speaking of which:
5) The methodical end to Real ID, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (turned into a bloc grant), and the return of the US Census to an “actual enumeration of citizens”. Changing the law so that if someone’s birth parents are not citizens, neither are they. Ending any and all funding to organizations that promote abortion. Making a new law to protect religious beliefs “in the marketplace”.
Turning airport security back to the states, the airports themselves, and the airlines. Reducing the Patriot Act and similar law so that it only applies to terrorists and their supporters, not ordinary citizens, even if they break ordinary laws.
6) Major reform to the 17 Intelligence Agencies and the 100+ federal police agencies. Especially consolidating them. Disarm all non-police and non-intelligence agencies.
On top of this, the conservative POTUS must direct his federal prosecutors to arrest and indict federal officials who have engaged in criminal activity while in office and under the color of authority. Lois Lerner, James Hansen at NASA GISS, a bunch of BATF&E officials, and hundreds like them should face the real prospect of federal prison.
7) After these gigantic changes to the federal government, and many, many more, before he leaves office, the POTUS must agree to downgrade and restore constitutionality to the office of the POTUS. This means prohibiting things like Presidential Signing Statements, Czars, and strict limits on executive privilege and recess appointments.
There also needs a restoration of the War Powers Act, the Posse Comitatus Act, and other laws ignored by presidents.
Conservatives are too lazy to do much more than generate blog articles and bluster online or the radio.
We refuse to use the left’s online weapons against them, nor are many of the wimps on our side willing to fight dirty or hard because they are more afraid of what the church ladies will think of them on Sunday.
The left basically fights in 4 dimensions while our side thinks that AM radio and bible quotes are all that you need to win.
When we stop trying to be all show, then we will easily mop these people off the map.
I would like to see some of it implemented, at least in the sense of total war against the tyrannical left. When we have power, we need to roll back the infringements on our freedom, not just hold the line.
If Walker or Cruz is the next president, we need to repeal Obamacare or "deem it to have been repealed" just like Pelosi deemed it to have passed.
We need to ignore the filibuster and dismantle every vestige of Federal Government overreach, eliminating the government jobs associated with the enforcement of repealed laws.
We need to prosecute those who abuse local, state, or federal laws to infringe on the right to freedom of speech, the right to the free exercise of religion, the right to keep and bear arms, and other God-given and constitutionally-protected fundamental human rights.
Whoever, under color of any law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom, willfully subjects any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District to the deprivation of any rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States . . . shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Deprivation of rights under color of law carries the death penalty, and there is no statute of limitations for federal crimes punishable by death. Thugs in office who trample the Bill of Rights can (and must) face justice at whatever time that the rule of law is restored in the future.
Additional rule: Get rid of the RINO establishment, by any means necessary. As democrats say, politics is war and war involves rooting out and eliminating enemy collaborators.