According to this author we are not having a historic drought and we have PLENTY of water available.
Apparently the author DOES NOT LIVE HERE!
It's all kinds of dry and the season is early. We have3 500 yr old trees dying for lack of water, in large numbers.
We don't have plenty of water and the writer doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yes, there's MAJOR issues with how the water we DO have is used, but to contend there's "plenty" shows he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Last year hubs and I drove up to Reno.
It was terrifying how the trees looked like they were dying.
I’ve never seen that before.
If you’re in Cal, look west. There is plenty of water.
I think the writer meant we WOULD have had plenty of water to see us through the drought had it not been diverted into the ocean.