Oooohhh how I wish it would be noted today that yes Republicans took down the flag, but that it was Dems who put it up. Ernest Hollings in SC. Gore's old man. Fulbright was Clinton's Arkansas mentor and it was indeed Bill who Clinton raised the confederate battle flag in Arkansas. Robert Byrd was KKK.
Dems and liberals are the ones who think blacks aren't strong enough, or smart enough to survive on their own and must be given help, not realizing they're stripping them of self-dignity.
Oooooh how I wish....
Haley could have said this but didn’t. What a wasted opportunity.
She wanted to come off as the calm/compassionate voice of reason. If I hear her say “it is a new beginning for SC”, I think I am going to throw up. Kearns was expressing such surprise that the South was actually rising to the occasion here ( as in we aren’t the redneck hicks she thought we were).