Obama turns his back on Kurds, turns down Arab states who want to arm the Kurds — just one more failure on the strategy front against ISIS.
US blocks attempts by Arab allies to fly heavy weapons directly to Kurds to fight Islamic State
According to article, all arms are supposed to go through Baghdad, which only seems capable of losing battles and weaponry.
Obama turns his back on Kurds, turns down Arab states who want to arm the Kurds just one more failure on the strategy front against ISIS.
Check out article.
Thanks, Fractal Trader.
Bullshit- Obama's strategy is working perfectly according to his plan- ISIS is winning.
Obama is accommodating the Iranians who want neither the Kurds nor any Iraqi Sunni militia armed with anything heavier than a MosinNagant, bolt-action carbine.
The White House, since 2009—when Obama ignored pleas for help from Iranian election-fraud protesters—has acceded to the mullahs on decisions ranging from the U.S. evacuation from Iraq to U.S. relations with Israel.
With Obama as their co-conspirator Iran has shaped U.S. Middle Eastern policy more than the White House, dangling a nuclear treaty like a shiny object to seduce this deluded rube.