I’m not divining the motivations of the people, I’m pointing out historical truths. Approximately 11,539 proposals to amend the Constitution have been introduced in Congress since 1789, 27 have passed. No divining there, simple historical truths.
Yeah we got 3 through in the 60s. And then 1 in ‘71. And then 1 in ‘92, but that one was actually proposed back in the original wave, so it 202 years to pass. And nothing since. Even in the 60s when they were “frequent” over 1000 amendments were proposed and only 3 passed.
It’s kind of like the lottery. You’ll win a lot more money betting nobody will win the lottery this week than you will playing the lottery. Assume, for the sake of process, then any constitutional amendment proposed will fail. Because there’s a 99.9% chance it will. If you really honestly think the only way to a particular problems is an amendment then functionally you think the problem is unfixable.