Of course this isn't the end of it. Gays are seeking validation of their lifestyle, and they're not going to get that from just a marriage certificate. They want us to pretend it's a normal and healthy activity, and they want us to celebrate it.
Pretty soon Sandusky will be a "freedom fighter" hero for the left... and no child will be safe in this country.
I disagree with you on that one. The slippery slope can be traced back to the elimination of any cultural or legal barriers against contraception. Once you separate the institution of marriage from the rearing of children, there's no logical reason to limit it to heterosexual relationships at all.
Indeed. Aside from the financial benefits, that is a large part of the push for gay "marriage."
Maybe 15 years ago, when I was a student at UC Davis, a lesbian wrote to the campus newspaper stating exactly what you said. Her family did not accept her as normal. According to her faulty logic, if she could only get married to her girlfriend and make the relationship legal the way heterosexuals legalize their relationships, her family would realize that she is just as normal as any heterosexual.
Tellingly, her argument did not contain any discussion of love--for her, the gay "marriage" issue was about being seen as normal, and had nothing to do with the actual relationship.