To: Alberta's Child
I've noticed a lot of empty seats at NASCAR events in the last five years. My explanation:
1. I think auto racing in general is on the wane. Young people are not attracted to it as in the past.
2. NASCAR has no charismatic superstar. Its best driver - Jimmie Johnson - has the personality of a doorknob.
3. It has become too corporate and politically correct.
To: Steve_Seattle
NASCAR has no charismatic superstar. Its best driver - Jimmie Johnson - has the personality of a doorknob.
Amen to that. He is Diet Jeff Gordon!
96 posted on
06/27/2015 8:28:39 PM PDT by
(Anyone still believe the 8/08 Atlantic cover wasn't 100% accurate?)
To: Steve_Seattle
The economy might have had something to do with it also...NASCAR is a lot more Main Street than it is Wall St.
97 posted on
06/27/2015 8:29:08 PM PDT by
(Aide toi et dieu t aidera)
To: Steve_Seattle
My explanation:10-4.
Mine is, it stopped being Stock Car Racing and turned into IROC on steroids!
I am done with NASCAR!
146 posted on
06/28/2015 6:44:46 PM PDT by
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