when you use religion in a legal argument you surrender reason and logic. IOW you lost before you start.
You may not like it but the fact is that is the way the courts operate.
There is no legal “love test” in marriage, just do you meet the criteria. The homosexuals are defining marriage based on a fondness for a sex act.
See-—that is where the courts destroyed Reason and Logic. And the fact that the courts are promoting Vice in a “Justice” (virtue) System makes it “null and void”. As Montesquieu stated, only Virtue can be promoted in a Just Law.
Natural Law is the basis of Christianity -—only because of the Catholic Church and Thomism.
That understanding that Faith and Reason is ALWAYS present in ANY idea (other than math and physics) was the Founding Principles in American Jurisprudence and basis of Thomism-—and why Natural Law Theory (Lockean Philosophy) became essential in our legal system. The ideas (faith) created the Age of Reason and the Mind of Newton and the Founders of US and US Law.
Without Natural Law Theory, there can be no Reason and Logic. Just Law has to be Reasoned always. Irrational concepts like “homosexual marriage” can never be promoted in a “Just” Law. Since Christianity is the ONLY reasoned religion (it used to be when Natural Laws weren’t jettisoned)-—then it is the ONLY religion besides Deism which was aligned to our US “Justice” System.
All “unjust laws” are “null and void”-—as Justice Marshall stated.
Understanding that Faith is essential-—and no human can eject “faith” from their ideology EVER-——since we are not God-—was the basis of our legal system until the Postmodernists like Justice Holmes threw out Reason and Natural Laws.
They “thought” “faith” could be separated——not just “religion”-—and even the words God and Jesus Christ which could NOT establish a Church were censored from the public square unconstitutionally for the first time in the 60s.
This Marxist idea-—that telling the Truth/God—can not happen in the public square is the beginning of the destruction of Rule of Law (Higher Laws/God’s Laws) which actually were the Christian Ethics which evolved in Western Civ from Common Law and Blackstone’s idea of Justice (God’s Laws).
Since Natural Law Theory is basically God’s Design of the Universe-—there is no incompatibility with Christian Ethics and the USA-—and is why some religions, like Mormonism could be outlawed-—because they treated women like cattle and unequal with polygamy-—which is unnatural-—against Natural Laws since it denigrates women to breeding cattle.
That Natural Duty to raise one’s biological offspring-—is a PRIMARY Natural Duty, which is embedded in Natural Law and our Justice System . To destroy that system, which is supposed to facilitate Virtue only-—(Montesquieu) that fulfillment of Natural Duty and Justice (virtue)....is essential to our legal system. It has nothing to de with “religion” but everything to do with the Laws of Nature (and our Declaration added “nature’s God” for a REASON.
Using Natural Law is NOT religious-—and it is essential because it is embedded into our “Justice” (virtue) System——which includes FAITH always. Can’t eliminate faith from anything. Christianity usually condemns “Blind Faith” like in Marxist and Muslim religions-—irrational beliefs not based on Natural Laws (God’s Works).
Natural Law Theory created the Age of Reason and the US Constitution-—and the destruction of Natural Law is a Marxism, Postmodernist push so that irrational paganism, will again rule-—so children have no ability to “think” and can be made into “happy slaves” for the Collective.
Individualism and Natural Rights from God is a Christian concept only and the Marxists want God eliminated so the State is god and irrationality-—like males are females-—to be “normal” and “natural” for the NWO.
Can’t have rational, moral, masculine males in a culture of slavery or tribal Inca-like minds, where Up is Down, boy harems are “good”, and Vice is Virtue.
Without Virtue, there can be no Freedom (Socrates.) Aristotle stated that Virtue is taught and habituated in childhood-—it is why the Marxists put in the “Prussian indoctrination system” in USA to destroy Virtue in children intentionally and hyper-sexualize them to destroy normal sexual identity formation by removing their parents and putting them in artificial environments....for “group think” only, and “operant conditioning” as Fichte and Wundt desired for their “happy slaves” who actually believe “snow is black” and boys are girls. Total removal of Natural Law and Real Life experiences in the Natural Family for conditioning into slavery-—(no Reason/Logic or understanding of Natural Law). Total dehumanization (removal of the Mind/Individualism) —removal of unique identity and the ability to “think outside the box” like all our Founding Fathers, etc..
We need the “education” system in US destroyed and parents as the primary educators of their children again. Local control of all schools and curricula.
Many can’t even use critical thinking skills any more because of the “operant conditioning” done for 12 years or more and the power of the elites to control the “proper” emotions through TV/Movies to flip Good and Evil to the irrational pagan, Marxist collectives.
While they condition-—they destroy the ability to learn all the great Traditions and the Great Thinking of all of Western Civilization-—which created the Age of Reason and the USA......so it can all be changed to the irrational utopia of Marx where there is no mother and father or biological connections——the State is god.....no Natural Laws-—just Rule of Man.