One other thing of note that I don’t think is brought out enough. There were 23 resolutions in the vote for the war of which only 3 dealt with WMD’s. That means the Congress voted on 20 other non WMD related reasons why we should wage war on Sadaam. There were plenty of good reasons to get rid of Sadaam that did not have anything to do with WMDs. The Clinton Administration in 1998 made it official U.S. policy to advocate the overthrow of Sadaam. It was in our national interest to do so above and beyond any WMDs.
The GOP and especially GWB didn’t defend their choices as they should have including your note on the 23 resolutions. They let the left and media control the negative narrative. And it will haunt the GOP for decades.
Hmm, more interesting information that isn’t shouted across the headlines.