Ted Cruz coming out in favor of a five fold increase of such Visas is a reflection of that big business wants and they want it now, before King Barry is out of office.
That way there's no chance that the next President can just yank 300,000+ Visas because by then companies can moan and complain about how they can't operate without them and it will take years to train their replacements. With wages lowering rather than rising, fewer people will go into those fields and their argument gains weight with every passing year..
If there's any shortage of qualified people it's a shortage of people who will move to the West Coast to live and work in the liberal chitholes so many tech companies are located in no matter what the pay.
Companies that don't care about the US any more than they care about Indonesia or China don't want to tolerate employees that won't live wherever the company tells them to in the US or in another country. People who consider what life is like for their families the overall environment they work in don't fit with the corporate view of the world. A whole lot of people who have ignored the deindustrialization while they cheerfully toddled along in their cubical are going to find that they're not immune from the same sort corporate attacks that destroyed industry in this country.
Bottom line, the H1-B Visa program is an integral part of driving US workers and wages down to the "World Class" standard of being willing, mobile, cheap, labor no matter what skills they've acquired.
Hopefully, Ted Cruz will abandon his attack on American Workers.
A world without borders is the corporate fascist dream. I guess I am just old school jingoist.
That's it in a nutshell - back to a society of nobility and serfs.