they are not barbarians, they are antiAssad moderates
I know, it is contrary to FRee Republic doctrine but it is true. They were in control until Obama abandoned the coalition back in ‘13 allowing the radicals to get the upper hand
Yes, Zero’s approach has been one big tease — but perhaps that was his plan, since it hurts all sides. Isn’t that kind of his mantra? ;’)
There are four failed states in the Middle East — Lebanon, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen.
Iran has “advisers”, along with either troops or proxy paramilitary forces, or both, in all four of those states. The only reason Egypt isn’t in that category is that al-Sisi led a revolution against it.
Arab polities are under extreme pressure elsewhere.
Zero and his cadre have been pushing for closer ties with Iran, for lifting sanctions, for negotiations, since the 2008 campaign trail.
You’re right, but most people want to paint with a broad brush. And those who get their news from RT especially buy into Putin’s propaganda that Russia, Syria, and Iran are pro-Christian and protectors of Christians. Crazy but true.