Spare me your whining. You are conflating a young boy who fondled his sisters as a "child molester." While this is very objectionable, it does not make of him a "Child Molester" in the normal understanding of the word. For one, he himself was a child.
I think your attitude has a lot more to do with this Duggar family (a Group of which I have never heard prior to this week.) than it does with any particulars. As I mentioned before, when I was 12, my family moved to Hick-Town USA, and I saw boys doing this sort of thing on several occasions. Not to their sisters of course, but then I wouldn't have put it past some of them.
It is not the equivalent to raping or sodomizing a child by an adult. It does not even come close. For you to portray it in a like manner is thoroughly dishonest and creepy.
The boy needed a good @$$whipping and further instruction. He did not need to go to Juvenile hall or Prison. Even if every bit of it was proven, I'm not sure a Juvenile judge would have done anything more than scare him good.
If you want to defend parents who protect child molesters...
“You are conflating a young boy who fondled his sisters as a “child molester.” While this is very objectionable, it does not make of him a “Child Molester” in the normal understanding of the word. For one, he himself was a child.”
It’s strange seeing the reactions to this story when compared to the pool party in Texas. In the Duggar case a 14 year old committed disgusting crimes, but is just a child and should be forgiven and protected. At the pool party a 14 year old gets mouthy with a cop who appears to be out of control and is violently thrown to the ground because she’s a dangerous thug.