Everyone should head over to WattsUpWithThat. They are having a blast with this “study” - beating it like a rented mule. It came out today and there are already (at least) 3 articles thoroughly debunking it.
When I consider the global warming establishment, I feel like Dave Bowman - “my God, it’s full of ‘tards!!”
Good advice. I found this article of particular interest:
It's very informative, and even a layman can see the scam that is occurring when it is noted, regarding these new adjustments:
This despite the fact that it is the buoy readings that are considered to be the most accurate! And yet they add this bias factor to the the raw buoy data in order to bring it into closer agreement with the less accurate readings! This should already a huge red flag, even to a layman's eye.
Hey, if you're going to add some special sauce, you might as well trowel it on extra thick!
And check this out: they say that because the buoy data are believed to be more reliable, they were given more weight in the statistical procedure, and This resulted in more warming. Steps A + B accounted for just under half of the additional warming.
Now don't forget, these "more reliable" buoy data were adjusted upward to match the less reliable methods! Kind of an odd thing to do if it's the buoy data which is more accurate, wouldn't you say? SHAMELESS!
Now that's handy. They basically cooled the period immediately before the hiatus. That, of course, would tend to turn the apparent hiatus into a warming trend, by virtue of the fact that temperatures for the period immediately preceding the hiatus were adjusted downward!
The main problem is that other teams have looked at the same issues and come to different conclusions (such as acknowledging the "pause"). And the post-1998 data dont match that from other independent sources, including weather satellites.
After reviewing this, I can only conclude that these Global Warming Alarmist charlatans simply did whatever they could to hide the truth of what the data shows, and they're simply relying on a complacent media to parrot their new "findings" and relay their hysteria to the average low-information voter!
The more I study this issue, the more skeptical I become, at least with respect to 1) the magnitude of the warming which has occurred, if any, and 2) the level of hysteria which is presented in order to justify implementing the urgent and draconian measures needed to address this horrible "problem".
It's both amazing and incredibly scary: these fraudsters are simply relying on the general ignorance and lack of critical thinking exhibited by the masses, and are utilizing a compliant media to help spread their clumsy propaganda.
And you just watch, the media are going to be breathlessly reporting this new groundbreaking research which refutes those crazy deniers!
Orwell was a prophet.