Carly has my vote. I’m all in. She is the only person who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. Forget focus groups, forget the “consultant” class advice, this woman is going to shake things up. A more formidable woman candidate than we’ve ever seen. On either side.
Go ahead. The sooner we collapse the better in all actuality. Then people with intelligence can rebuild what your stupidity helped destroy without such stupidity in it.
Carly Fiorina will be included in the GOP debates!
From Breitbart news:
The ever-widening Republican presidential field is all tied up. The best any GOP contender (or likely contender) is polling at is 10% and there are a total of five(!) Republicans tied at that 10%: Jeb Bush, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, Sen. Marco Rubio , and Scott Walker.
The second tier is made up of Sen. Rand Paul, Sen. Ted Cruz,
Donald Trump , and Chris Christie . Carly Fiorina and John Kasich are tied.
Carly has made the top 10, and is gaining more recognition after every MSM intyerview!
Norm is a db and should be ignored but please tell me when Ted Cruz has not spoken his mind?