And we all get to see what a city without cops is really like. Thanks Democrats!
“And we all get to see what a city without cops is really like. Thanks Democrats! “
Back in the ‘60s, the saying was, “if you don’t like cops, next time you need help, just try calling a hippie”.
That is the only possible outcome.
It’s a social and political meltdown which has been systematically engineered by the people in charge there for decades.
With all of the third world s&^%holes as examples staring you in the face ... and with all the US Conservatives warning of JUST THIS outcome.... they still HAD to take the path they did.
I am not, even NOW, optimistic that any lessons have been learned.
The misspent stimulus, the wanton violence, the incompetence, the corruption, the backwardness, the obstinate aversion towards assimilation, the idiotic notion that personalities supersede the Constitution and the LAWS... they will NOT take the hint!!
“We tried to have diplomas without learning, we tried to have jobs without work, we tried to have houses without savings, we tried to have government without responsibility.” Newt Gingrich