What goes around comes around, and some posters have a full dish coming their way.
I don’t think they are allowed on FR, are they?
I am not bound by piety or christian behavior. As such, i am free to express my opinion about child molesters as I see fit.
Knew a family like this. Not quite as strict. One of the girls goes to a party and gets date raped. Tells her mom and gets blamed. Is forbidden to report it because it might bring shame to the family.
People like this disgust me. They are like the pharisees of old. Nice and clean on the outside, but inside full of dead men’s bones.
How would you like to be a girl in that house? Think about it. You are not allowed to be anything other than a homemaker. You are not allowed to go to college and figure out what YOU want to do with YOUR life. And, oh, BTW, your brother? Yeah the one who sneaks into your room at night? Yeah, do the chores for him.
Josh Duggar is the abuser; don't you think his is probably the full dish?
I ask this in all sincerity, because I honestly don't understand it....we would discuss this kind of revelation if it pertained to anyone else, but the Duggars are considered somehow sacred and off-limits.
Why do they get a pass? I have to run out for a bit; I'll check the thread when I get back.
Now. Regarding your statement, "Honey, you are not the judge of dispersing full dishes".....well, you better look in the mirror, sister, because earlier on in the thread you were doing just that yourself. So you'd do well to keep shut about judging...otherwise you look like a first class hypocrite.
What's that stuff about "dispersing full dishes", anyway? I never heard it before. It's kind of silly.
And to your question, "Do you really think GOD is not able to disperse HIs judgement?".....where did I imply such?
Finally, to your demand to know what church I attend, the answer is none of your business. Got that?
From the tone of your freepmail, I get the distinct impression that you really don't take it well when people "puff themselves up to you." YOU like to be the one doing the puffing up, right? ;)