The problem with marijuana is that it stays in your system for weeks, and the effects of this are not fully known. In addition, sustained heavy use accumulates in a person’s system with the effect of a permanent high. Judgement may be adversely affected.
Interestingly, I believe that all the recent black deaths at the hands of police had one thing in common...traces of marijuana(and often other drugs)drug tests.
Police reports often mentioned “irrational behavior”, are police actions a result of prejudice against blacks or against drug-induced behaviors?
Yes, quite right. I learned those facts in a movie called Reefer Madness. We sure are lucky that only safe drugs like alcohol are legal.
The big problem with weed is that for a number of individuals like Robin Williams or Robert Downey Jr., getting high on weed was not enough.
Then they will have to explain why it doesn't make black people less aggressive. Blacks are the most violent-prone segment of the population, and MJ use is very high with black males. If MJ has a calming effect, why didn't it calm the black males killed in the recent high profile incidents?
For instance, it was determined after the autopsy that Michael Brown had a large pct. of MJ in his system. Yet he strongarmed a store clerk before getting himself shot and killed while assaulting a police officer. Why wasn't Michael Brown a meek teddy bear from his MJ use?