“So far Republican politicians have been relatively quiet about this issue.”
And therein lies the problem: Cowards.
BTW, I’ve found that Asians, esp those with an accent, DO appreciate asking about their heritage. This “you don’t belong here” is PC poop. People do not like to be ignored, they like to be engaged in conversation, and they especially like to talk about themselves. If one is uncomfortable striking up s conversation, do some research. Learn some names, some geography, come culture, some language. One of best ways to break the ice is to greet someone in their native language. I’ve yet to find anyone “offended” by this, even when I’ve guessed wrong. Usually it evokes a chuckle, the ice is nevertheless broken.
And in the rare occasion some left winger might be “offended” . .screw em, move on the next person. I gladly and proudly share my heritage, even when others have mistaken me for another ethnicity or religion. So what? Some people need to grow up and also grow some nads. Asian Americans should firmly be in the Republican and Conservative camps. Demonrats offer nothing to them, just quotas and lipservice.
The only heritage worth sharing is 100% pure Americanism! And of course a sincere Christian witness.
Yeah, I wouldn’t count offending the occasional PC leftist as a disadvantage. You get to reach out to normal people AND get to offend leftards. It’s a win-win.