This hag is lucky my car wasn't on either side of hers. If so, she'd have been at shopping at America's Tire for a set of wheels.
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To: Kevin in California
A picture of the bad parking would certainly add to the thread (if it exists).
2 posted on
05/06/2015 8:28:19 PM PDT by
(Be a blessing to a stranger today for some have entertained angels unaware)
To: Kevin in California
Glad to hear the heckling got under skin.
3 posted on
05/06/2015 8:28:35 PM PDT by
To: Kevin in California
now now be kind to this demented ol les bo who is feeding at the Federal trough by representing Washington DC which is not a state so her vote does not count. She has always been a hideous leech
So she rips off the taxpayers via her fake “job”
5 posted on
05/06/2015 8:33:19 PM PDT by
(The first principle is to find out who you are then you can achieve anything -- Buddhist monk)
To: Kevin in California
I still want to know what a racists is.
6 posted on
05/06/2015 8:34:49 PM PDT by
To: Kevin in California
8 posted on
05/06/2015 8:36:07 PM PDT by
To: Kevin in California
The correct date, as shown at the source, is 3/26/2015.
9 posted on
05/06/2015 8:37:07 PM PDT by
(Ridiculing the ridiculous since the day I was born.)
To: Kevin in California
To: Kevin in California
Maybe the poor lady ate some bad fried chicken.
11 posted on
05/06/2015 8:38:32 PM PDT by
(~~Cruz, OR LOSE~~ Ted Cruz the only true Conservative in this race.)
To: Kevin in California
This happened 6 weeks ago. Article tile should be 3/26/15.
To: Kevin in California
13 posted on
05/06/2015 8:38:42 PM PDT by
(They need to targelationt the 'Ministry of Virtue' which has nothing to do with virtue.)
To: Kevin in California
Sounds like a case of “Black,Democrat & A Woman privilege.”
14 posted on
05/06/2015 8:40:40 PM PDT by
To: Kevin in California
I think she needs to check her priviledge.
16 posted on
05/06/2015 8:48:10 PM PDT by
(The White House is now known as "Casa Blanca".)
To: Kevin in California
Elected Black Democrat Privilege...
18 posted on
05/06/2015 8:50:51 PM PDT by
(They told me it could never happen in America. And then it did....)
To: Kevin in California
the headline is not a real quote and nothing in the story backs it up.
and she is a delegate, not a congress critter.
22 posted on
05/06/2015 8:57:35 PM PDT by
(obama = Eddie Mush)
To: Kevin in California
The old bag is not a congresswoman, she is a non-voting House delegate for D.C. and obviously a menace on the road.
23 posted on
05/06/2015 8:57:41 PM PDT by
(Get out of my country now)
To: Kevin in California
she was drunk then and probably still is. glad she can’t vote.
24 posted on
05/06/2015 8:58:52 PM PDT by
(civil law: commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong Blackstone Commentaries I p44)
To: Kevin in California
A congresswoman has come under-fire after her bad parking was caught on camera. Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton, 77, who represents by the District of Columbia, was secretly filmed on Wednesday morning as she drove into a spot on Capitol Hill at the wrong angle.Where do they store all this film they shoot? It must fill warehouses.
Wasn't there a parking incident involving Holmes Norton a few weeks ago?
To: Kevin in California
Tacky to change the date of the article....
28 posted on
05/06/2015 9:02:55 PM PDT by
("What Washington Needs is Adult Supervision" - Zero, 2007 campaign)
To: Kevin in California
29 posted on
05/06/2015 9:04:15 PM PDT by
(civil law: commanding what is right and prohibiting what is wrong Blackstone Commentaries I p44)
To: Kevin in California
Ya know sweetie, we had no idea who the idiot was trying to park that car, as we watched the video.
So, race played no role in assessing your incompetence.
I suppose you think we’d love what Obama is doing to America if he were only white?
30 posted on
05/06/2015 9:08:40 PM PDT by
G Larry
(Obama Hates America, Israel, Capitalism, Freedom, and Christianity.)
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