Now, now...don't get in the way of the woman-bashing festival that always occurs in these threads..whereupon the guy wants to keep all of the tools and toys that he bought while his wife gets the used furniture and the house with a mortgage. What are you thinking?
LOL. And part of that mortgage might include his debt — maybe debt she never agreed to or even knew about, and maybe even debt he used to commit infidelity. She gets handed the whole bill. LOL.
For the record, I’m not man-bashing. There are narcissistic women out there, too. It seems the law is set up to award narcissistic sociopaths and penalize honest people. It doesn’t matter which one is the wife and which one the husband.
I'm thinking you demonstrate the kind of duplicity our "woman first" system is despised for.
You spend twenty five bucks on Sephora, and I spend twenty bucks on an electric screwdriver, but when we get divorced you want me to sell my screwdriver so you can have half.
Guys love tools and the only shopping we like is hardware and lumber and the like. We like to and have to fix things on the "material" level. Women and wives are the fixers and repairers and soothers on the spiritual level.