Anyone who knows of Wright or has read his bio would be shocked at any attempt to defend him, even at such a time as this, imho, so I’m mystified.
OK Smart Butt,
Did I say anything or even defend Jim Wright? No, I asked a simple question of you. Which, of course, you didnt answer, but chose to make an assumption about me for some reason. Nice!
Of course I knew the answer before I even asked the question. It is very easy to tell keyboard wizards like you who have no clue what you are talking about by their post on Free Republic. And it is obvious you have no clue what you are talking about when it comes to the State of Texas.
Here is a brief history lesson for you. The reason there are so many freeways and buildings named for Democrats is because Texas has been a blue state for most of its existence. It has only been in the last 20 or so years that Texas has become a red state. And here is a shocker for you, there are buildings named for Democrats in rural Texas too. I guess rural Texas is also a third-world cesspool of socialist.
Here is something else for you to chew. There are buildings and highways named after Ronald Reagan in Texas. Including some in that socialist cesspool know as the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.
Youve already pulled down your pants and shown me and everyone else on FR your butt by making an unprovoked attack on me. Might as well pull your pants down again. Come on wizard, post a nice pithy comment back to me and prove me right.