Talk about spending and immigration...
According to the article:
As governor, Huckabee supported in-state tuition rates and scholarships for students brought to the country illegallya stance he continues to defend, even while taking a tough line against illegal immigration in general. When Arkansas was faced with some 75,000 evacuees from Hurricane Katrina in 2005, Huckabee took advantage of end-of-summer closings of Christian camps throughout the state to use as shelters, dispersing the influx and mitigating their impact on schools and other services. He got the job done with a smile and a hug for those who needed help, the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette noted.
Huckabees major achievement was a health program known as ARKids First, which he pushed through in 1997, his first full year in office. It extended coverage to children whose parents earned too much to qualify for Medicaid, but still couldnt afford private insurance. The number of children without health insurance had dropped from 22 percent when ARKids First was created to 6 percent in 2012.
Huckabee is and always has been the Christian Welfare State — George Bush’s “Compassionate Conservatism” on steroids. Take conservative positions on social issues like abortion, gay marriage, gun control and prayer in school, but spend like a Democrat on social welfare programs.
He is a thug. Government is brute force and the Huckster can’t get enough.
Hickabee’s love affair is with himself. I truly do not believe he loves this country in the same way I and others do, he is a marionette.
should be “Mike Huckabee’s Love Affair with Mike Huckabee”.
Vote sucking ego trip.