Firoina is simply another GOPe creature hoping to suck off votes from decent candidates. She’s a nothing nobody, that is laughable when it comes to being qualified to be president.
That being said, she has more credentials than Obama.
” Firoina is simply another GOPe creature hoping to suck off votes from decent candidates. Shes a nothing nobody, that is laughable when it comes to being qualified to be president.”
She DID export thousands of American jobs to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I saw it first hand when I lived in MY. HP in California became an empty corporate shell under Fiorina.
Born September 6, 1954 in Austin, TX (Meets the Jus Soli Requirement)
Parents were
Joseph Tyree Sneed, III, born in TX
Madelon Montross Juergens, born in OH
Both parents were US Citizens at the time of her birth (Meets the Jus Sanguinis Requirement)
Cara Carleton Fiorina is a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN
Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama still ISN'T!